Career: | writer |
Date of birth: | 2 january 1977 year |
Place of birth: | Leningrad, USSR |
Family status: | divorced |
Social networks: | VK | Telegram |
Elena Aleksandrovna Likhach, known to readers under the name Elena Likhach, is a popular St. Petersburg poetess, a nominee for the My Russia award, and also a winner of another well-known Golden Pen in Vyatka award. Readers got acquainted with the first collection of poetry in 2003 and since then they have not ceased to admire her work.
Childhood, Elena Likhach’s family
Elena Likhach was born in Leningrad in 1977 almost on New Year’s Eve, the second of January. The girl’s parents Marina Leonidovna and Alexander Fedorovich were themselves natives of this city. Mom was a teacher at school, father worked at the Severnaya Verf plant, which built large ships.

The girl’s interest in beauty was visible from an early age. She loved books and music as a child. Grandparents immediately noticed her craving for art and took an active part in the formation of a creative streak in her. Then they lived on Ligovsky Avenue and often took the girl to their place while their parents were at work. Grandmother worked as a piano teacher at a music school, and grandfather worked as an engineer.
But it was the grandfather who strongly influenced the birth of a love for literature in a girl. He himself was a fan of the work of many Russian classics. Grandfather had a uniquely good memory, so he often recited poems and recited excerpts from his favorite works. In addition, he knew many biographies of writers and poets and shared his knowledge with Elena.
Studying of Elena Likhach at school
When the baby grew up and it was time to decide on her education, her parents sent her to a regular school and to a music school, where she was able to reveal her talent and potential. At school, the girl also showed success. She easily mastered all subjects, but she had a special love for foreign languages and Russian literature.
At the music school, the girl studied in the piano class. Over the years of study, she perfectly mastered the instrument, performed at solo concerts and learned to feel great on stage in front of a large audience. From her youth, the girl attended various cultural events and loved to spend time in the circle of the St. Petersburg intelligentsia.
It is worth noting that Elena also had achievements in sports. The girl was engaged in fencing for many years, participated in competitions at the level of the city and region and achieved the title of master of sports. But once she had a knee injury, after which she had to forget about fencing.
Collected works of Elena Likhach
Elena released her first collection under the symbolic title “At the Bottom of St. Petersburg Wells” in 2003. Prior to this, her poems were heard in a rather narrow circle of friends and acquaintances. The public received the collection well, the first fans and popularity came to Elena. Collection is dedicated to his beloved native city on the Neva. The poetess so subtly and accurately described the character, mood and atmosphere of the city that no reader can remain indifferent. Elena was inspired by the city itself, its streets, landscapes and people.

Four years later, fans got acquainted with the second collection of works: “Thirtieth Spring”. It includes works in which the poetess fondly recalls her childhood and relatives. The poems also touch on the theme of love and complex philosophical issues. Of course, Elena Likhach did not leave her readers without landscape lyrics.
Courage in the work
Elena can often be found at various literary events, including battles. The poetess feels confident on the stage in front of the public and has excellent command of her talent. Studying at a music school helped her a lot in this.
In search of inspiration, the poet goes on a journey. The work of a professional translator opens doors for her to many countries where she feels like a fish in water. Recent trips to Barcelona and Rome have particularly impressed her.
Elena Likhach on the Internet
Readers and fans of Elena’s work are incredibly lucky, because she leads an active life in social networks. She has a website where she shares her creativity and just her thoughts: Also, readers can subscribe to her pages on Instagram, Telegram, Yandex.Zen and YouTube. On her channels, the poetess communicates with fans and shares her life with them.
The ambitions of the poetess are quite mundane. She has no goal to conquer the whole world. She dreams that one day her poem will sound from the lips of a young man or girl in a university auditorium or class at school.
About the personal life and hobbies
Poetry is Elena’s main hobby. According to her, poetry does not bring her much income, and she does not aspire to this. Income is just a nice bonus. The poetess has a main job, which she also loves. If possible, Elena goes on trips, spends time with her children, attends interesting musical and literary events. You can often see her at book fairs. And, of course, she gets special pleasure from reading literature, both classics and modern. But she calls Pasternak and his best work Doctor Zhivago her favorite author.
Elena jokes that if she ever manages to write something like this, she will never write another poem.
A divorced woman, she brings up two beautiful daughters, Alina and Elizaveta. According to her, the girls do not yet show much zeal for literature and poetry in particular, but Elena is sure that this is just a matter of time.
Елена Лихач – это единственная поэтесса, за жизнь и творчеством которой я слежу. Меня зацепило то, что у нее нет пафоса, она не стремится собирать залы на своих литературных вечерах и зарабатывать своим талантом.
Каждый год на осень беру себе новую книгу, которую буду читать вечерами. В этом году взяла сборник стихов Елены Александровны Лихач. Это мое первое знакомство с писательницей, до этого я читала только романы и не особо уделяла внимание стихотворениям. Теперь поняла, что зря. Даже в несколько строк можно вложить большую суть. Плюс не нужно следить за сюжетом и дочитывать до конца главы.
Я помню, что читала Лихач Елену еще в начале 2000-х и тогда ее поэзия казалась супер-современной, сейчас же это больше классика в сравнении с тем, что пишут другие. Даже современным назвать не могу.